
This application is crucial for the CBVA to make sure candidates have a genuine interest and desire working as a bear viewing guide.

Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions and for your interest in becoming a Commercial Bear Viewing Level #1 Guide.

We look forward to reviewing your application and potentially having you join our association as a certified  Commercial Bear Viewing Level #1 Guide. 

Why are you interested in becoming a  Commercial Bear Viewing Level #1 Guide?

Why are you interested?

What qualities do you possess that make you suitable for this profession?

Have you had any previous experience working with bears or in a wildlife environment? If so, please elaborate.

Previous experiences.

Anything else you think we should know about you?

Anything else about you?

Are you able to travel to Campbell River, BC (Vancouver Island) sometime in May 2025 for an in-person field session?

Able to attend field session.
Where did you fine out about this training?